Tell HN: C Experts Panel – Ask us anything about C 581 by rseacord | 668 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN, We are members of the C Standard Committee and associated C experts, who have collaborated on a new book called Effective C, which was discussed recently here: . After that thread, dang invited me to do an AMA and I invited my colleagues so we upgraded it to an AUA. Ask us about C programming, the C Standard or C standardization, undefined Behavior, and anything C-related! The book is still forthcoming, but it's available for pre-order and early access from No Starch Press: . Here's who we are: rseacord - Robert C. Seacord is a Technical Director at NCC Group, and author of the new book by No Starch Press “Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming” and C Standards Committee (WG14) Expert. AaronBallman - Aaron Ballman is a compiler frontend engineer for GrammaTech, Inc. and works primarily on the static analysi...