New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: Eid Mubarak

Tell HN: Eid Mubarak
765 by asim | 313 comments on Hacker News.
To the Muslims on HN, Eid Mubarak! And to everyone else, Eid Mubarak! For those who don't know. Eid is a day of celebration after the month of Ramadan, in which Muslims fasted for 30 days from sunrise to sunset with no food or water. It's something 2B people around the world celebrate to today or tomorrow (moon sighting permitted). A note on Ramadan. To those interested in intermittent fasting, longevity, and coming back to a more human experience not drowning in technology, food and consumerism I would say check it out! After over 20 years of doing it I'm still learning something new every year, or I should say, unlearning bad habits we've created for ourselves as a society through abundance. Hope you all have a great day!


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